Thursday 5 July 2018

Fantastic time in yorkshire

We had a fantastic week in yorkshire , The caravan was Beautiful ,Extremely clean ,So well equipped and such a great position on the site we had no caravans to the right of us the ones at the back were elevated and quite a bit back from our van so there was only one van directly to the left of us and that was unoccupied for the week , It was sheer Bliss , This was the view from out van , Uninterrupted sea views

I spent a lot of the time on the decking soaking up the views 

Here is the link

We visited the usual seaside towns of scarborough and bridlington wich to be honest i was disappointed with the cleanliness of the towns from previous visits , I am not sure if its to do with council cuts but they were not as clean as our last visits , On the other hand Filey just up the road was just as clean and pretty as before , We also visited Beverley , Pickering and Malton , My type of places, beautiful towns , One other let down was strawberry fields boot sale , I honestly don't know  if i was getting mixed up with another boot sale in the Area but the one i remember was huge and this one wasn't, If you live in yorkshire and know of any huge boot sales please message me to let me know , But i still as you all know me managed to get some great vintage finds , But wherever we visited  during the day it was great to retreat to our beautiful home for the week. , It was usually mid afternoon so we had plenty of time left in the day to enjoy the stunning views .

The vintage finds from yorkshire

Beautiful Duck Egg Blue Durham Quilt 

Laura Ashley vintage wallpaper

Gorgeous Biba Dress

Pukka Luggage suitcase  

The garden containers are looking good this year  

I am starting to use mirrors in the garden i have a few more to find places in the garden to located them.