Tuesday 29 November 2016

Christmas is coming

Inspired by other bloggers this week about what they do or not do for christmas i thought i would share my thoughts and plans for christmas this year , Like every other year it will be done on a budget with home bakes , Makes and using things we already have. 

Christmas presents , The only people i buy for now are my parents , Our daughter and son in law and my best friend.

With my parents and friend , Its usually home made christmas cakes and sometimes a hamper of home made bakes including mince pies and shortbread.

I am not a great cake decorator , It has to be a simple design , at the moment i am  trying to find an Idea that's not been used before
 These are some of the past years.

This years food will be purchased from Tesco with some vouchers we have obtained from taking out some  Insurance  , we have £80 , This will stock up our cupboards and it will last us weeks.

We already have the Turkey wich was bought for half price yellow stickered last month.

Decorations will be all from our stash we have used year after year If i ever buy any new to me decorations they come from Jumble sales or car boots.

As usual Jumble sales are replaced but Christmas fares this year so i always look forward to the New Year that's  when i find me best bargains , I need to buy more stuff now at the Beginning  of the year as i have had to rely heavily on Auctions running out of stock since october.

These are some of my latest vintage finds.

This set is in mint condition.

Sweet little sets. 

This is silver.

This brooch reminds me of flying ducks.

Well worn but really pretty.

And of course there has to be some linen. 

A Georgian silk work Embroidery. 

A religious Embroidery.

Italian mosaic brooches.
