Sunday 11 November 2018

A bit of a fright

On visiting my friend mel last monday my husband got out of the car and was having trouble walking with weakness in his leg Initially i thought it was his back as with all his other health issues he has damaged discs too but when he was sitting down and talking he was slurring his words really bad , Having had two strokes already i didn't hesitate to ring 999 , He was blue lighted to hospital and attended to  straight away , They were waiting for him when we arrived , The doctors were marvelous at the hospital, They gave him a Ct scan and all the other tests associated with testing for a stroke but it turned out he had not had   a stroke but had a Rare form of migraine which mimics the signs of a stroke even though he had not got a headache ,  After getting so upset i was so relieved, He does suffer with migraines but this was something new. 

One a lighter note here are some of my vintage finds.

This is a bargain if you don't already know about it a large bag of garlic that you can just drop into your cooking frozen , Its either 99p or a £1.00 from Iceland.



  1. I'm glad the carers responded so quickly and it turned out well. The garlic is a good resource.

  2. Yes thanks Patricia , He is back to normal now , He was within an hour and a half , That's one of the many reasons they said he had not had another stroke , we are not to bad now , Thanks for your concern xxx

  3. Dear Friend, So pleased that your husband had not had another stroke. I had one in 2006 and every time I have a headache I get jittery. You were quick off the mark and if it had been a stroke you gave him a good chance of recovery. The NHS get a bad press but when they are good like this I think of the old days when I first joined as a nurse. Over the years I have seen a great many changes but one of the worse ones was the extension of office workers. I know they are needed but one hospital I worked at the estate manager had 11 secretaries. Years back we were led my Matrons and Assistant Matrons and everything ran smoothly. Sorry to moan on, so pleased that he is ok and I hope you are keeping well. Love Andie xxx

    1. I completely understand your feelings about the office workers and matrons , Why do they always mess with things that work only to replace them with systems that don't work so good, Hope you carry on being stroke free , The doctor we seen did say that if he was going to have another stroke it would have probably happened by now as its been 6 years since his last one so Andie you might be able to take comfort from that xxx

  4. Thank goodness it wasn't another stroke - still scary though. I had vaguely heard of migraines having this effect, although don't know anyone who's actually had that type.

    Amazing bargain that garlic is, will look out for it.

    1. Yes Sooze , we found it hard to believe but they said the ct was the deciding factor xxx

  5. Sorry to hear you both had such an awful frigh, well done on responding so quickly, better to be safe than sorry.
    I just love the candlesticks so much.
    Marlene xx

    1. Thanks Marline , I love the candlesticks too , I am just hoping somebody will love them as much as we do and buy them lol xxx

  6. My goodness I was so relieved when I read it wasn't a stroke but still bad to make him feel so ill. Wishing him a speedy recovery and hope you too are feeling OK, I do no how hard it can. Take care.

    1. I'me not to bad at the moment thanks , Got to see the neuro at the end of the month , He was so ill it was hard to accept it was not a stroke but relived at the same time xxx

  7. I’m sorry to hear this. My OH had this and it scared us both very much. He had never suffered from migraines before it happened. Again the doctors said it is very rare. May your husband continue to be well x

    1. I'me glad to hear that he is not the only one and like you we were very scared , He is back to normal now well at least his normal lol xxx

  8. I am so glad that your husband is OK.

  9. What a relief that all is well and that the NHS treated you both with care and kindness. xxx

    1. Yes vix , The care was fantastic vix , The thing was mel lives in wednesbury so they took him to sandwell as walsall were not taking suspected stroke patients , I f we were at home he would have had to go to newcross xxx

  10. Pleased to hear that it wasn't another stroke. I suffered with hemiplegic migraines 24 years ago, and it was thought I'd had a stroke - I was 29 at the time and was mightily relieved that I hadn't. I had the migraines for a couple of years and then they disappeared as mysteriously as they'd arrived.


thank you for your message , Shabby